Hi, My name is Abdulqadir Ahmad (You can call me Abdul or Abuahmad). Depending on how / where you meet me, the first thing you might notice about me is either I’m blind, I am a software engineer, I talk too much, I have (strange) opinions, I am a muslim or I laugh / smile a lot.

I Am Blind

I became blind early 2020 and I am still trying to figure out how to do somethings. Blindness has brought a lot of good change to my life. I tend to appreciate things like time, good texture and nice sounds. It made me realise somethings I don’t know I will had without becomming blind. I now know there is a world of blind people out there doing all sought of stuffs, from archery to flying planes and programming. ICYMI; there are a lot of blind software engineers. Lastly, blindness has brought some not so good things too my life. The aspect of walking alone without seeing is something I haven’t really understood yet.

Software Engineering

I started learning programming early 2022 and I am still learning 😊. I am comfortable writing python and django, I have written C, Javascript, Lua, and even brainfuck. I have contributed to an open source project that uses wxpython, I have built a website and other small python apps and scripts. I have learnt a lot over the “years”. I have learnt data structures like linked list, algorithms like binary search, design patterns like Model View Controller (MVC), and concepts like how everything in a computer boils down to 0s and 1s. I am opened for any internship role or a contract.

I like …

  • Talking; I talk to whomever will listen (copied from Scott Hanselman).
  • Neovim; My favorite text editor.
  • Animals, especially cats and birds. I like rearing animals.
  • Delicious food (period/fullstop).
  • Seeing people think / talk about a topic in-depth. I mainly use podcasts for this, but I have a couple of blogs I read.
  • Books; Mostly fictions with supernaturals.

If you have reached here, please tell me.

You can send me a mail, a dm on mastodon or twitter (links below).