Abdulqadir Ahmad

Software Engineer

I am a software engineer with experience in web backend and desktop app development. I have appreciation for simple solutions and hyper aware of accessibility.


Open Source

  1. 25/2/2023 to present - TWBlue


  1. Accessibility Hub

    I developed a website that aims to be a community focused on accessibility. The two main features of the websites are:

    • Reviews: This allows users to review the accessibility of a tool by rating and commenting about it.
    • Discussions: This enables users to create topics and contribute to opened topics about accessibility.

    . Technologies used include python, django, MySQL, Fabric, htmx, and nginx.

  2. A Notes

    A Notes is a command line tool that manages notes in a file-agnostic manner. I built it with python and I used to use it for writing notes in school. The main features of A Notes are:

    • Ability to create and edit topics and notes.
    • An auto compiler that compiles notes to desired output.
    • A local server that serves local html files to be viewed in the browser.



  1. Python
  2. Django
  3. WXPython
  4. Github
  5. Git
  6. Linux
  7. SQL
  8. Database
  9. Haproxy
  10. Nginx
  11. C
  12. HTML / CSS / Javascript

Non Technical

  1. Communication
  2. Collaboration
  3. English
  4. Problem Solving
  5. Helping others


  1. 16/08/2023 to present - Computer Science - University Of Jos - Plateau State, Nigeria
  2. 14/08/2022 to 08/03/2024 - Software Engineering - ALX Africa - Kenya