This page contains some projects I’ve worked on and the ones I am currently working on.


Anotes is a note managing cli tool. Built with python, it aims to reduce the friction of managing notes on laptop. It is currently on alpha stage.

Accessibility Hub

Accessibility hub aims to be a community for accessibility topics. Currently under development, it supports reviewing the accessibility of tools.


TW Blue is an open source free client for Mastodon with a focus on accessibility. It uses native UI and works on Windows. It could work on other platforms, but I don’t think it is properly tested for that. It uses python and WX Python as the GUI library.
This is the first open source project I have ever contributed to and I still contribute to.


A cross platform pomodoro app that works on command line and has a Graphical User Interface (GUI).I have stopped working on it because I have realised there are a lot of pomodoro apps. I am currently using yapa (Yet Another Pomodoro App). So, instead of spending my time building it, I decided to stop maintaining it and move to other projects.