Abdulqadir Ahmad

Welcome abord arfs6. I am a software engineer. I am responsible for the magic that you can’t see in your apps, all the behind the scene actions, I.E. A back-end software engineer. Want to know more about me? Check out my about me page.


I have lots of stuffs I want to build. Visit my project page to see some of the things I have worked on.


  • Why Would Blind People Do X?

    I was wondering around on the internet and saw this webpage; Accessibility suggestions for blind players – Minecraft Feedback. The person who created the post gave some suggestions on how to improve the accessibility of mind craft. Another person added a comment saying:

  • Valgrind

    At ALX we wrote C codes, and our code has to be memory save. We use valgrind to check for memory leaks. You don’t want to know how many hours I have spent with it 😅.

  • Hibernating windows

    I can remember seeing hibernate as an option when shutting down a laptop when I was much younger. I wondered where the option is now, and I accidentally met it last night.

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