I have been using TTS (Text To Speech) with screen readers for approximately 4 years now. Whatever you do for that long will affect you, and my TTS has affected me.

A text-To-Speech is a software that converts text to speech. People use it to make videos, especially on tik tok. I use it with my screen readers to read what is on my screen.

With that out of the way, here are some ways my TTS has affected me.

  1. I have developed meanings for abbreviations. A very good example is tnx, it’s not thanks anymore, but t n x, ti-en-ex.
  2. TTSs has also affected the way I speak. I talk very very fast, faster than I’d like. This is because my TTS usually speaks very fast, using a slow TTS with a screen reader is not fun at all. I want to reduce the speed I talk with, but it’s easier said than done.
  3. The last way I have noticed TTS affecting me is the way I pronounce certain words. Although this helped me with pronouncing some words better, it also made me to start saying it tick s instead of it’s. For some reason, espeak calls apostrophe tick, and I set NVDA to speak all punctuation marks. This is very useful while I am writing codes, so I will not miss a punctuation mark. I have caught myself saying it tick s instead of it’s a number of times.

Anyways, I think Text To Speech is a nice software, especially when the voice is sweet.