I started learning python February 2022 using an awesome book - Python Crash Course. Why? I couldn’t read financial chart, candle stick charts to be specific. This is how it looks like: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Candlestick_Chart_in_MetaTrader_5.png#/media/File:Candlestick_Chart_in_MetaTrader_5.png. In case you don’t know, I am blind.

Why python? Because I have seen some solutions built with python, and I heard you can build almost anything in python.

The interesting thing is, I have learnt enough python to build an app that will make candle stick charts accessible, but I haven’t started building it nor am I planning to start anytime soon. When I remember about this, I feel there is a hole I need to block before I can say learning programming is a success.

The main reason why I haven’t built it is a shift in priority and time. Accessibility hub is more important than the candle stick reader, and I don’t have time to do both. School is the culprit here.