I created a context processor to help me switch between full and partial templates in django automatically. It sets my base template to a partial template if the request is a htmx request.


I just check if the current request is a htmx request, then I set the base template to _partial.html, else _base.html.

The code


from django.http import HttpRequest

def setBaseTemplate(request: HttpRequest) -> dict[str, str]:
    """Sets the base_template context variable.
    - request: Request object.
    - dict: A dictionary that sets either '_base.html' or '_partial.html' as the base template.
    baseTemplate = '_partial.html' if request.htmx else '_base.html'
    return {'base_template': baseTemplate}


To activate the context processor, I added it to the list of context processors for my template engine django template. I opened my settings.py file, moved down to where the list TEMPLATES is defined and added it to the context_processors list;

        "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
        "DIRS": [],
        "APP_DIRS": True,
        "OPTIONS": {
            "context_processors": [

The new context processor is "myApp.context_processors.setBaseTemplate".


I will be building my explanation on that of django-htmx tips.

If you have your templates setup as django-htmx suggested, then your templates will be expecting a base_template variable. That variable will determine which base template to use.

From django docs:

Context processors are functions that receive the current HttpRequest as an argument and return a dict of data to be added to the rendering context.

Their main use is to add common data shared by all templates to the context without repeating code in every view.

Instead of having to pass the base_template variable each time I want to render a template, my context processor automatically sets it for me. I need only the main html chunk when it’s a htmx request, so I set the base template to _partial.html. Otherwise, I set it to _base.html, which is a full html file.


This will work until there is an exception to the assumption. In that case, I am planning to add an attribute to the request object to let my context processor know about the exception. Until then, this is perfect!

Perhaps django-htmx might like to add it to there extension, I’ll open an issue and tell them about it.