
This page contains all my blogs ordered by time. Latest first. Enjoy!

  • Why Would Blind People Do X?

    I was wondering around on the internet and saw this webpage; Accessibility suggestions for blind players – Minecraft Feedback. The person who created the post gave some suggestions on how to improve the accessibility of mind craft. Another person added a comment saying:

  • Valgrind

    At ALX we wrote C codes, and our code has to be memory save. We use valgrind to check for memory leaks. You don’t want to know how many hours I have spent with it 😅.

  • Hibernating windows

    I can remember seeing hibernate as an option when shutting down a laptop when I was much younger. I wondered where the option is now, and I accidentally met it last night.

  • Appreciating Screen Readers And Software

    There are bugs in software, it’s inevitable. It’s even more annoying when they occur in critical software. We end up getting angry at … the software or even the people behind it. But, what if we take a step back and evaluate how things would be without the software? In this post, I will evaluate how things could be without screen readers.

  • Pincode UI Of Some Fintech Apps Isn't Accessible

    A wise man once said: “The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards.” - Gene Spafford. What is the point of a highly secured pin code UI (User Interface) if it’s not useable?

  • My Experience Converting Hand Written Notes To LaTeX

    Recently, I had to convert 60 pages of hand-written note to LaTeX. The notes has math in it, it was a physics note. I didn’t want to write everything from scratch, plus getting someone to read everything won’t be easy. So, I tried gemini, llava, mathpix and mathkicker. All these are so-called AIs.

  • When Words Are Better Than Pictures

    There is this popular saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words”. I’ll add: “to whomever can see it”. Let’s start by saying, I can’t see it.

  • How TTS Affects My Thoughts And Speech

    I have been using TTS (Text To Speech) with screen readers for approximately 4 years now. Whatever you do for that long will affect you, and my TTS has affected me.

  • A Tip For Making Your website More Accessible

    Unless you’re doing some crazy stuffs with javascript and html div tags, your website should be accessible. But, there are some stuffs we do in css or js that never reaches a screen reader user. Here is a rule of thumb you can use to take care of that:

  • My Edittor Always Grows With Me

    My edittor has always been growing with me since when I started programming.

  • First Day On Linux Mint

    I spent the whole of yesterday playing around with Linux Mint. With the help of a friend, I dual booted my laptop the day before yesterday (Friday). So far, everything works. I am trying to get used to using orca (Linux’s screen reader).

  • Under The Hood Of

    The two main things under are github pages and jekyll.

  • I have been validated at ALX!

    I don’t even know what to say. I have been validated! Where? ALX SE. For what? For finishing there 12 months intensive program.

  • Two Years Of Programming

    I started Learning python February of 2022, so this month marks 2 years. I have been writing mostly python, but I have written a couple of other programming languages. My aim with this post is to look back at those years 😊 and look ahead to the next year.

  • Switching between partial and full html when using django and htmx

    I created a context processor to help me switch between full and partial templates in django automatically. It sets my base template to a partial template if the request is a htmx request.

  • Looks like a protected attribute but it's not

    I needed a way to know if an instance of a django model is new, and I asked gemini. It said I should use instance._state.adding. With my small python knowledge, I know _state is supposed to be a protected attribute and I should not depend on it, especially outside the instance.

  • Error while trying To Install Django

    I was trying to install django on ubuntu 20.04 on WSL and I was getting an error. The error has to do with mysqlclient, and here is the relevant snippet:

  • WSL Not Responding

    After turning on my laptop (desktop 😀), wsl will not respond to any command …

  • Finding the power set of a set using python

    My friend and I were solving some math questions and we had to find the power set of a set with 14 elements …

  • Disassembling exception handling in python

    As a user, I wouldn't want an app to crash just because I supplied the wrong input …

  • Why I started programming

    I couldn't read financial chart, candle stick charts to be specific …

  • Building The YALMA App

    The goal of this blog post is to guide you to build an app in python. Some people get scared when they hear “app”, don’t worry, I don’t think the app will pass 100 lines.

  • A To Z In Vim

    I'll be writing this from memory, no help pages, no googling! …

  • They robbed a blind man

    The person transfered everything in his bank …

  • My math workstation

    My LaTeX setup …

  • Are you blind?

    I get asked this question often. The two times that stick out are …

  • Joining two absolute paths in python

    >>> os.path.join('/home/arfs6', '/proj') # Expecting /home/arfs6/proj …

  • Did you know? ufw is a python script.

    I wonder which tool I am using also runs on python …

  • Using mv instead of rm

    The `rm` command is dangerous. I have created an …

  • Reproducing bugs

    It is funny how sometimes, your goal is to reproduce the bug. …

  • Navigating Linux File System

    When I first layed my hands on a unix computer, I was confused. I had no idea where to keep my files or where some files are located …

  • Are Cellphones Connecting or Disconnecting People

    It is sad how people are in the same place but there minds are somewhere else …

  • Opening files side-by-side in vim

    I had two text I wanted to view it's differences and I was already in vim. So, I decided to open both files side-by-side. This is what I did …

  • Commands, Motions and Text Objects in vim

    I made an awesome discovery recently on vim. It was by accident. So, here is the jist …

  • NvimPager

    I have been using neovim as a pager for quite a while now. I use it for man pages, diffs and git logs. The only disadvantage of it so far is …

  • Pythonic Wonders: Cache, Decorate, Parameterize, Memoize, and Mock!

    First it was cache. And then decorate. And now parameterize, memoize, and mock!!! Python never ceases to amaze! …

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